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Borghese live a Bibione per Confcommercio
23-05-2023 - Bibione

Almost two hours of live cooking show for chef Alessandro Borghese in Bibione, invited by Confcommercio Portogruaro-Bibione-Caorle as part of the project “Bibione land of the sea – Tastes, itineraries and innovation in local cuisine”. The appointment is one of the stages of the training project that the trade association has addressed to the restaurateurs of the seaside resort and their collaborators, with the aim of providing skills for a distinctive, quality restaurant, capable of making the customer experience a true and sustainable experience of the area, enhancing its uniqueness. In his speech, Borghese highlighted the asparagus of Bibione by creating a personal version of a risotto to which he also combined wild and lagoon herbs. A success that involved operators from Bibione, finally greeted by the television star-chef with the promise of looking for space to bring an episode of his "4 restaurants" to the town. Also present at the meeting was the Istituto Lepido Rocco, with three young students, who had tried their hand at the role of assistant to the well-known chef.

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Iscrizione Tribunale di Venezia n. 10 del 05/05/06 - ROC n. 37738